Friday, January 19, 2024

The Shaming of the True

In the past few years, we have witnessed a disturbing phenomenon in the political and social sphere: the rise of alternative facts and conspiracy theories that contradict or deny the established truths of science, history, and reality. Donald Trump, still the heir apparent to the Republican nomination, is feeding into these misconceptions, like throwing gasoline on a fire, desperately trying to delay the inevitable as the law breathes down his neck. He’s openly promising to be a dictator—but only on day one. (Spoiler alert: That’s what they all say.) 

Meanwhile, Ron DeSantis seeks to erase the history of anybody who isn’t white, cisgender, and heterosexual in his “war on woke,” when the sad reality is that he doesn’t have the first clue what “woke” actually means. He resorts to Nazi-era tactics like banning books and silencing dissenting voices in what is basically a war on humanity.

Trump is selling the false narrative that the economy is in a death spiral, and his dim-witted followers believe him. The lies he’s feeding him have them disbelieving what they should be able to see with their own eyes and ears. These false narratives are not just harmless opinions or perspectives but deliberate attempts to manipulate, misinform, and gaslight the public into accepting a distorted version of reality that serves the interests of a powerful few. The truth is that the economy is thriving under President Biden. Unemployment and inflation are down and the stock market is… ooh, look—Hunter Biden!

They can only fool the American people for so long. I hope it’s not too much longer; I don’t know how much more of this gaslighting American Democracy can take.

Gaslighting is a form of psychological abuse that involves making someone doubt their own perception, memory, or sanity. It is a tactic that has been used by dictators, cult leaders, and abusive partners to control and exploit their victims. In the political arena, gaslighting is used to undermine the credibility of experts, journalists, and institutions that provide factual information and evidence that contradicts the preferred narrative of the gaslighter. By sowing doubt and confusion, the gaslighter hopes to erode the trust and confidence of the public in the sources of truth and authority, and to make them more susceptible to their lies and propaganda.

One of the consequences of this political gaslighting is the emergence and spread of conspiracy theories that range from the ridiculous (flat earth theory) to the dangerous (anti-vaxxers). These conspiracy theories are not based on any rational or empirical grounds, but on emotional appeals, confirmation bias, and cognitive dissonance. They are often fueled by fear, anger, resentment, and a sense of alienation from the mainstream society. They offer a simplistic and satisfying explanation for the complex and uncertain problems of the world, and a sense of belonging and identity for those who feel marginalized or oppressed.

However, these conspiracy theories are not only false, but also harmful. They undermine the collective efforts to address the real challenges and threats that we face, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change, terrorism, and inequality. They create division and hostility among people who should be working together for the common good. They endanger the lives and health of those who believe in them and those who are affected by their actions. They erode the foundations of democracy, human rights, and the rule of law.

Some examples of conspiracy theories that are popular today are:

  • The Flat Earth Society started out as a joke in the early 1980s, but now it boasts members all over the globe. (Irony intended.) But they’re a great textbook example of how conspiracy theories work. I mean, we know the earth is not flat; we sent astronauts into space to make sure. But even faced with irrefutable evidence to the contrary, they refuse to admit the simple, basic fact that they’re just plain wrong.
  • 9/11 Conspiracies claim that the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, were orchestrated by the US government, Israel, or other actors to justify wars in the Middle East, create a police state, or advance other agendas.
  • Chemtrail theory alleges that the contrails left by high-flying aircraft are actually chemical or biological agents that are sprayed for various purposes, such as weather modification, population control, or mind control.
  • QAnon Theory is based on the online posts of an anonymous person or group called “Q” (no relation to the omnipotent Star Trek villain), who claims to have access to classified information about a secret war between Donald Trump and a global cabal of satanic pedophiles (a favorite ad hominem of the right-wing nut jobs), who are also involved in child trafficking, cannibalism, and ritual abuse. We eat babies, too.
  • And, of course…

  • The Big Lie. Despite losing time and time again in the courts and having no evidence to support their claims, there are still an alarming number of Americans who still believe that the 2020 Presidential Election was stolen and that Donald Trump was the legitimate winner. There is a name for people like that: they’re called “sore losers,” and history will remember them as such.

How can we resist and counter this political gaslighting and the conspiracy theories that it spawns? How can we defend and uphold the truth in the face of lies and deception? Here are some suggestions:

  • Educate ourselves and others about the facts and the evidence that support them. Seek out reliable and reputable sources of information and verify them before sharing them. Be critical and skeptical of the claims and arguments that we encounter, especially if they sound too good or too bad to be true. Learn to recognize and avoid the logical fallacies and cognitive biases that can cloud our judgment and reasoning.
  • Challenge and expose the lies and the misinformation that we encounter. Do not let them go unchallenged or uncorrected. Call out the gaslighters and the conspiracy theorists for their dishonesty and their ulterior motives. Provide counter-evidence and alternative explanations that are based on facts and logic. Do not engage in personal attacks or insults, but focus on the substance and the merits of the issue.
  • Support and protect the institutions and the individuals that provide and uphold the truth. Stand with the scientists, the journalists, the educators, and the activists who are working to inform, enlighten, and empower the public. Defend their freedom and their integrity from the attacks and the threats of the gaslighters and the conspiracy theorists. Recognize and appreciate their contributions and their sacrifices for the common good.
  • Foster and promote a culture of truth and honesty in our society. Encourage and reward the values and the behaviors that are conducive to the pursuit and the dissemination of the truth, such as curiosity, openness, humility, courage, and responsibility. Discourage and condemn the values and the behaviors that are detrimental to the truth, such as ignorance, dogmatism, arrogance, cowardice, and irresponsibility. Celebrate and honor the achievements and the discoveries that are based on the truth, and learn from the mistakes and the failures that are caused by the falsehoods.

We live in a time when the truth is under attack and in peril. As we move into the 2024 Presidential Election season, we have a duty and a responsibility to defend and uphold it, not only for ourselves, but also for future generations. The truth may not always be easy or comfortable, but it is always necessary and valuable. The truth may not always be popular or convenient, but it is always powerful and liberating. The truth may not always be accepted or appreciated, but it is always worthy and noble. Let us not be ashamed of the true, but be proud and confident of it. Let us not be deceived by the false, but be aware and vigilant of it. Let us not be silenced by the lies, but be vocal and active for the truth.

Thanks to Michael Hess, the teacher I tormented mercilessly in high school, for inspiring the title of this post.