Friday, June 30, 2023

Twisted Justice

The Supreme Court's latest ruling that a website creator doesn't have to create a website for a gay wedding that nobody asked her to create is a frightening reminder of how this conservative court is rolling back civil rights in America.

In a 6-3 decision, the justices sided with the website creator, who claimed that her religious beliefs prevented her from creating a website that would celebrate a same-sex marriage. The court ruled that the website creator's free speech rights outweighed the state's interest in preventing discrimination against LGBTQ+ people.

This ruling is not only absurd but also dangerous. It sets a precedent for allowing businesses to refuse service to anyone based on their sexual orientation, gender identity, race, religion, or any other protected characteristic. It also undermines the dignity and equality of LGBTQ+ people, who have fought for decades to secure their right to marry and to be treated with respect.

The court's ruling is based on a false premise: that the website creator was asked to create a website for a gay wedding. In fact, she was not. She preemptively sued the state of Colorado, claiming that its anti-discrimination law violated her rights. She argued that she would not create a website for any same-sex wedding, even if she was never approached by a potential customer.

This is not a case of free speech, but of discrimination. The website creator is not expressing her views, but denying service to a group of people based on who they are and who they love. She is not engaging in artistic expression but in commercial activity. She is not being forced to endorse a message she disagrees with, but to comply with a law that applies to everyone.

The court's ruling is a slap in the face to LGBTQ+ people and their allies, who have worked hard to achieve recognition and protection under the law. It is also a threat to the civil rights of all Americans, who deserve to live in a society where they are not discriminated against because of their identity. The court's ruling is not only wrong but also shameful.