Sunday, June 4, 2023

Of Course You Realize, This Means War

This year has been challenging for the LGBTQIA+ community, as we face various forms of discrimination and oppression from different sources. One of the most alarming trends is the rise of book bans that target LGBTQIA+ literature in public schools and libraries. According to the American Library Association, five of the 10 most challenged and banned books in the U.S. last year were flagged because of their LGBTQ content. These books, which include memoirs, novels, and graphic novels, offer diverse and authentic perspectives on the lives and experiences of LGBTQIA+ people. They are valuable resources for educating and empowering young readers, especially those who identify as LGBTQIA+ themselves or who want to learn more about this community.

However, some parents, advocacy groups, and government officials have been trying to censor these books, claiming that they are inappropriate, sexually explicit, or harmful to children. They have launched campaigns to pressure school boards and library staff to remove these books from shelves or restrict their access. These actions violate students' and library patrons' intellectual freedom and privacy rights, who should be able to choose what they read without interference or judgment. They also contribute to a climate of fear and intolerance that marginalizes and stigmatizes LGBTQIA+ people.

The LGBTQIA+ community deserves respect and recognition, not censorship and erasure. Book bans are not only an attack on literature but also on human dignity and diversity. They send a message that LGBTQIA+ stories are not welcome or worthy of being heard. They deprive young people of the opportunity to explore their identities and understand others who are different. They undermine the core values of education and democracy that libraries and schools are supposed to uphold.

As we celebrate Pride Month this June, let us also stand up for the right to read and write freely. Let us support the authors, librarians, teachers, students, and allies who are fighting back against book bans and advocating for LGBTQIA+ inclusion in literature. Let us demand that our elected officials respect the First Amendment and protect access to information for all people. And let us celebrate the power and beauty of LGBTQIA+ books, which enrich our culture and inspire our humanity.